Monday, March 12, 2007

In answer to my 2 comments-Thank you! Yes, Erin I know you sent me a "how to" but I need hands on , in the room tutoring. I am old-I can remember when the word computer meant "someone who adds and subtracts". Soon , I know pictures will appear-you guys know where I live-whats the hold up???????
Oh, and the reason I don't answer the comments-you guessed it-I don't know how!!!!!!!!!!I have lots of "wisdom" gained from living so long but again-computer knowledge,not so much-!! Even the computers at the school ask me to do only specific tasks already programmed for me by someone who is 17,but looks 11. Amazingly I trust them-they know their stuff-they come when called. They do give the big sigh but they set us up. I can take attendance ,put money into lunch accounts, look up any student and their families(scary sometimes) and many other things but since we are discouraged from doing personal things on our school computers (they watch us like hawks-your tax dollars at work) I lack skills in real life windows computing.
But I have hope-I can remember when I could only knit and purl and the item had to be flat-now I can(well, sometimes) knit most anything. Pattern dyslexia(my term for "what the hell does this mean) can slow me down but I know in kniting if I do it wrong I can just frog it.
I am trying the "SECRET" to gain new skills. So far, not so many.
Kelli (Knitterbunny) said she was on a yarn binge. I feel her exhiliration(er-Pain) . Today I may hit "The Little Red Schoolhouse"-if we had sound(we don't do we???) you could hear me give an evil laugh as I go out the door to get yarn(I mean groceries) .
Stay tuned to this station for pictures. But don't hold your breath!!

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Blogger KnitterBunny said...

I would so have an evil laugh on my page if I could figure out how to program it. ;)

2:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've already picked a pattern - dark side avoided...this time ;)

9:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and you make the bestest cookies! thanks for sharing. what fun it was to meet and put faces w/ blogs.

5:41 AM  

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