Wednesday, December 06, 2006

There will be no cooking in my kitchen until further notice. My island is covered in presents, wrapping paper, bags, ribbon and tags. I am trying to get some things wrapped and organized so that I can figure out what I have for everyone and what I still to need to buy-hopefully not much because my husband is going to have a coronary when the Visa Bill arrives as it is.
My shrug for Amanda is almost finished-doing the ruffle on the collar (about 800 stitches I swear) and then just a quick sewing up. I have started the dog hair/yarn socks for my son-in-law's birthday(dec. 23) and am starting my Mom's fuzzy slipper socks today. Someone please make me stop beginning new Christmas projects!!
My tree is not up yet because I need 2 strong men to carry it up from the basement storage room so decorating is at a standstill. I suggested the small tree that goes in the foyer-my "grown" children threw hissy fits -I suggested they put up their own trees in their own homes to compensate for the smaller Grandma tree-they threw hissy fits. TRADITION-Apparently they are really 3 Russian Jewish men on a roof top.
On a lucky note... my husband ordered a Guardian Generator that hooks up to our propane tank and kicks on automatically when we lose power-which is more often than you would think in the 21st century. I was kind of against it-I hate spending that much money on anything except jewelry or yarn but I kept my mouth shup(made my teeth hurt to do so) and low and behold on Friday(dec 1st I think) we lost power!! That baby kicked right in and we had heat, toilets(wells need electricity),showers, freezer,fridge, stove, t.v., and lights!!!!! No one around us had any of these things.Is my husband smart or what???!!! But don't tell him I said so-he thinks I think his brain contains only 2 monkeys and a yoyo. It is better that way.


Blogger KnitterBunny said...

Ha ha ha. Pat, love that last line. Love it. hee hee

7:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'd love to comment on the power outage, I live in Bath Mi, lost power and was cold. I'd like to quiz you more on your kids tradition demands (my boys are teeneagers and I'm kinda ready for a little decorating "break", I thought it was coming in a few years, now you have me scared)BUT to be honest with you I CAN"T GET PAST the two monkeys and a yo yo. I'll be curious about that the rest of the night!

7:41 PM  

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