Monday, April 02, 2007

Maybe all this happened because it was April Fools Day.
Yesterday Kristi(Reddog), Kelli(Knitterbunny), Julee,another Kelli,Erin(Eblog) and I headed for Ann Arbor and the Harlot. Since Knitterbunny and I had attended last year we knew we had to leave early, sit on the front right side of the room and bring yarn. We left with great breakfast burritos(many thanks to Kristi's husband and Mother-in-law) and our well thought out plan. Now, you know what happens when you plan. Yes, the best laid plans ... We arrived in AA full ,gifted(Knitterbunny gave us all shower gels from Bath and Body Works-YUM-I used mine this morning-I smell like apples-YUM) and ready to knit while we waited for the 2pm arrival of the Harlot. At 1:15 it was announced that she had flown to Detroit, but due to fog(I was confused-it was sunny and beautiful in AA, a mere 20 minutes away) her plane had returned to Chicago and she was trying to get another flight to Detroit so ... they hoped she would arrive by 4:00. Long faces all around. Then in walked Jane Hathaway from the Beverly Hillbillies(don't tell me you don't know who this is--watch TVLand!) . It was really a woman (Kristi actually gave her this pen name due to her remarkable resemblence to Jane) from the LYS called "Busy Hands". She handed out flyers and since we had 2 hours and since it was only 2 blocks away and it housed yarn-Everyone went .I am sure this little shop had no idea what 200 knitters with time to kill can do to a shop. Plus, the malabrigo was on sale. I love it when a plan looks to be thwarted and then comes together..I scored(I mean needed) some chunky for a cute kids sweater and then I found some malabrigo lace weight (baby merino wool) and needed that too.
Chunky in Saphire magenta and baby in geranio and red mahagony. Everyone found something that sang to them-even Kristi ,who never buys yarn without a plan and doesn't have stash, bought some malabrigo without a planned pattern of use. I think we have brought her to the dark side-one more knitter whose soul now belongs to us. Cue evil laugh.
Stephanie did show(at about 4:30 or so) after being stranded at Detroit Metro and driven to AA by a knight in shining armour who had never met her but felt her pain and wanted to help. She talked for a short time(Bummer) and signed all books. Our plan to be 1st in line was thwarted by a man from the AA Library who sent the left side if the room up 1st -rats-but we persevered and got our books signed.
All in all, good company, good knitting, good yarn buys, Stephanie, a new book by Stephanie, meeting Kristi's twins(who are even cuter in person. Loved Gangles crooked smile he gave Mommy) made for a good day.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

So many great posts so far about yesterday out in blogland. It was a great afternoon, I'm only sorry I didn't make the effort to mingle and meet more people, instead I'm doing that virtually today!

10:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH MY GOODNESS I am right with you! We schemed to make sure we were right up front on the RIGHT SIDE, and Mr. Library blows it by having the line run down the LEFT SIDE. I guess we'll have to sit along the center aisle and cross our fingers next time, eh?

11:08 AM  
Blogger KnitterBunny said...

Next time I vote we smuggle in a case of beer for Steph and then we can be first in line. ;)

1:28 PM  
Blogger Pat DeLeeuw said...

I'm with Knitterbunny-Beer! For Everyone.

7:21 PM  
Blogger Dana said...

I had vodka in a cooler in the car, I KNEW I should have brought it in. Martini's anyone?

7:14 AM  
Blogger Pat DeLeeuw said...

Ok Dana, next year I will bring my cherries soaked for weeks in cognac or ameretto. We will need a
Designated Driver though as these are potent and make people fall down.

4:33 PM  
Blogger Knitting Bandit said...

Sounds like a fun day!

12:11 PM  

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